Quick FAQs
Can grout lines be removed from concrete floors when polishing an old slab
It depends on how deep the grout lines are. We usually grind 3 – 5mm off the surface but can grind up to 10mm off so if they are deeper than that then they may still be visible in the finish.
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What areas on a residential property are best for polished floors and for what style of house?
All areas of a house can be polished. The polishing process can be applied to any house, new or old, that was built on a concrete slab.
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Can I use a steam mop on my polished concrete floor?
No. A steam mop should never be used on a Polished Concrete floor.
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What do you recommend to clean the floor with?
We use and recommend "Tough Green" Cleaner which is a neutral ph product. Available from Grinding Tools Australia
Is polished concrete expensive?
The pricing of a polished concrete finish is comparable to the pricing for a tiled floor. -
Do you have any tips about seeding a slab with pieces of glass and/or bottles?
Smooth objects and/or objects that sit on the top of a slab might become dislodged from a polished floor leaving a hole.
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My friend told me that concrete floors crack?
All concrete floors can crack, however expansion joints in the correct areas will minimise cracking and repair is simple. -
Can red wine stain a Polished Concrete floor?
Just like any other floor type, red wine will leave a stain if not attended to straight away.
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