Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Our offices and showroom will be closed from Friday 20th December to Monday 13th January.

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about CCC Polished Concrete.

Your floor should be maintained on a regular basis by vacuuming and cleaning in the following manner.

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Yes, the glossier the floor the easier it is to clean. Matt floors can look a little motley even after they have been cleaned.

The grind and seal process is very similar to how wooden floor boards are finished. i.e. grind/sand to a smooth finish and then paint with a sealer. Where a timber floor is sanded and then sealed, a concrete floor is ground smooth with specialist grinding machinery.

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Your floor should be maintained on a regular basis by vacuuming and cleaning in the following manner: To bucket of warm water, add recommended amount of “Tough Green” Cleaner (or neutral ph cleaner), and mop floor with a microfibre mop.

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CCC Polished Concrete is a top of the range method for finishing concrete floors.

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