Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Our offices and showroom will be closed from Friday 20th December to Monday 13th January.

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about CCC Polished Concrete.

The list of available concrete sealers is almost endless. The most common sealers are Acrylic, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Penetrating and GTA Enhanced.

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A sealed floor (also known as a Grind and Seal) is machine grinding to the desired exposure followed by a Surface or Topical Sealer just like a timber floor.

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Burnished concrete flooring can either be machine polished or coated with a penetrating sealer. Most people we work with usually opt for a machine polished finish.

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The quality of a burnished floor comes down to the quality of the concrete contractor. The contractor will typically run a powered trowel or "helicopter" over the wet concrete slab and with experience and care can achieve quite a smooth finish. It is not easy and any imperfection, gouge or non-level area or dip will be very visible in the final concrete floor.

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It depends on how deep the grout lines are. We usually grind 3 – 5mm off the surface but can grind up to 10mm off so if they are deeper than that then they may still be visible in the finish.

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Thanks for your question. There are quite a few variables here and without more detailed information we can only provide you with a fairly general answer.

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