Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Our offices and showroom will be closed from Friday 20th December to Monday 13th January.

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently asked questions about polishing concrete floors

Yes - most definitely with new slabs. Levels are another important reason for us to communicate with your concreter.
Yes, but it can be expensive and a lot depends on how well the steps have been formed. If it is not too late contact us before your concrete is poured. "Call before you pour". If you stairs are already in place contact us and we can advise further.
We prefer to be contacted as early as possible as we like to stay in constant contact during construction, guiding and overseeing the concreters – so “call before you pour”.
We are happy to recommend experts in this area. In rooms with north facing facing windows you can also take advantage of solar heating with the sun heating your floors.
Yes!  CCC Polished Concrete can also advise your electrician regarding installation to ensure a trouble free polishing process!
About a week to 10 days after the slab is poured.

No, the aggregate varies depending on whether it is, for example, white pebble or granite based. There are also different qualities. A visit to our showroom will show you the differences.

Yes – unfortunately we spend a lot of time repairing bad workmanship performed by less experienced operators!

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