Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently asked questions about polishing concrete floors

We use and recommend "Tough Green" Cleaner which is a neutral ph product. Available from Grinding Tools Australia

The warehouse finish is typically used for any pre-existing or "old" slab.

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Our machine has a Dustless Vacuum System. Dust is kept to a bare minimum.
This depends on a number of factors, firstly how big the job is, how accessible the site is, and what finish you have selected. i.e. CCC Polished  Concrete or Grind and Seal.
This is an endless choice that is only limited by your imagination. There are numerous mixes available though your concrete supplier but it must be though out well before the pour takes place.
The best time for us is usually about 1 week after the pour, I will inspect the floor and advise the best result for you.
Yes you can but this can be tricky as it is necessary that the beads etc are at the right depth in the concrete to allow correct exposure on grinding. Together with your imagination and our technical advice we can aim to achieve the best finish possible.

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