Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently asked questions about polishing concrete floors

We usually would carry out a preliminary grind (Stage 1) approximately 5 – 10 days after the slab has been poured and grind to the required exposure.

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Just like any hard flooring it will be slippery when wet.

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We will leave a cleaning pack, which contains a Microfiber Mop, Cleaner and Maintenance sheet on site with every job.

All concrete has aggregate in it.

Colours are added by the concrete supplier and are in the mix before the concrete sets.

There is no guarantee that concrete will not crack.

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Yes, but it is best to leave fine cracks for a couple of years as there may be a chance the cracks will close again with movement.

No, polished concrete is the ultimate finish for in slab heating.

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