Polished Concrete Floors Melbourne

CCC Polished Concrete FAQs

Frequently asked questions about polishing concrete floors

Depending on where you live in the country, particularly in southern states heating would probably be preferred and radiates a lovely warmth. In warmer states and in summer down in the southern states nothing is cooler.

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Coloured pebbles, different sizes and types of aggregate, glass beads, steel, brass again this is largely limited by your imagination.

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All concrete floors can crack, however expansion joints in the correct areas will minimise cracking and repair is simple.
Color can be added to your mix at the time of pouring, this needs to be discussed with your concrete supplier. Ask your supplier for there color range and we recommend that you double the strength to allow for some fading.

CCC Polished Concrete is one of the most durable and low maintenance floor finishes one could choose. Other than mopping the floor little maintenance is required. In very high traffic areas the floor may require a light burnish every few years. This is a process which just freshens up the finish.

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Wipe as soon as possible with a damp cloth.

Yes! If not poured yet then we recommend it should be 32mpa.

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